19 November 2007

finding a breeder:

as i mentioned earlier i have found a wonderful breeder on etsy.com, her name is stacey and you can find her at: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=67193. etsy.com is a really wonderful place to find sock monkey breeders but please be wary of any breeders who don't strive for quality and personality. above and beyond the colors and patterns sock monkeys must be made with love and care to avoid getting a monkey who will not make a good friend. stay away from poor stitching, mish-moshed "zombie" monkeys or other rescue type pets; on occasion you may find a rescue that does have a sweet and loving personality. if you do bring a rescue you should be sure keep the new monkey separated for a while (i will cover quarantining a sock monkey in the upcoming blog "quarantining a sock monkey: why & how") most monkeys will make great friends for children, stacey's are even suitable for babies. be sure to decide carefully when picking out a new friend as monkeys are a lifelong commitment to fun and happiness!

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