i was devastated when i learned that heath ledger died, for two reasons. one - i was really looking forward to the day he realized that he was in love with me. two - if i couldn't be with him i really wanted michelle williams to be with him. i liked them together and wanted them to work out in the end. i was also sewing up a d.i.y. sock monkey kit at the time and decided that the monkey would be my little tribute to heath. so, here he is. ladies and gents i would like you to give a warm banana hill welcome to ledger! ledger is a happy monkey who is simply full off umpf! he is a smiley guy and is constantly laying it on thick for all the girl monkeys here!
above: ledger chillin' on the couch...
ahh he is great.. I love the red and black.. Yeah I was surprised about his sudden death too !! Sad !! I am adding your sock monkey blog to my side bar if that is okay.. and yes we Monkey people should keep in touch and would love to do a personal swap with you... I have some things I need to finish before completely committing to a date for now.. but we shall talk about it !!! Looking forward to the ATC Swap too !! Great idea for a swap !! talk to you soon.. and yet again i love your Monkey you made.
Mica at http://vintagesockmonkey.blogspot.com/
Love the Sock Monkeys!!!
awwee... he came out so great!! you did a fantastic job with the kit!
ps. it's so tragic, his poor daughter.
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